Friday 27 November 2009

60 years old today!

Today is my 60th birthday - I just can't believe it - where did the years go? I certainly don't feel anything like 60 - in fact, I think I shall simply just stay at 49! LOL

I have had so many phone calls and visitors today, that I have not had any time to tat! At this rate I shall start getting withdrawal symptoms. I think I shall just go and stroke a shuttle to calm me down!

Several friends and family members are all going to meet at a local posh pub for a meal, drinks and convivial chat this evening. It's a good excuse to dress up and have fun!

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Bauble Design

In an earlier post I showed a new 8 pointed square motif. (Scroll down the page a little way.) I have adapted it into a 6 pointed star shape (which makes a very nice snowflake on its own) but then added a band of a double row of rings which fits tightly over the bauble. It fits so snugly that no further attaching is necessary.

I added silver sequins to this one, which doesn't show up very well on the photograph, but which sparkles prettily when the lights are on.
The next one (nearly completed) has silver beads in the centre of the two rings of each snowflake point.
This pattern reminds me of the Orb in our Crown Jewels! What do you think?

What an honour!

On Saturday I received the autumn edition of the Ring of Tatters newsletter, but didn't settle down to read it until this afternoon (Monday).
Imagine my surprise when I turned over the font page and saw my very own pattern - the stargazer lily - being used as the principle flowers in this lovely bride's bouquet; the bridesmaids' flowers; the little flower-girl's hair and also to decorate the wedding cake!
The article very kindly mentioned my name and I considered it an absolute honour that they used my pattern! The setting looks amazing and I hope the bride and groom had a wonderful day, indeed, I wish them a long and happy life together!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Pattern PDF for the Cross Bookmark

I have now put the PDF of the pattern for my Cross Bookmark into my free patterns section on the right side bar of my blog. It is an ideal pattern for beginners and I hope you enjoy trying it out!

And here is the link to the pattern PDF

Monday 16 November 2009

A Thank You Gift

I'm well and truly back in the land of tatting!
I did not have surgery to my spine this time. I had, instead, an injection into the offending disc and vertabral joint. It worked very well indeed and my pain levels have reduced drastically! I am keeping everything crossed that this will last for a long time - if it does, I can just have it repeated - but if it doesn't, then it means that I will probably have to have the op!

The nurses and doctors were, as usual, wonderful and were dutifully thanked in the usual way, but my unsung heroine was Joan, who kept our ward immaculately clean and did everything she could to make my stay as comfortable as possible. As a special "thank you" to Joan I have designed this bookmark. She works tirelessly for her church and so thought that a bookmark in the shape of a cross would be just right.

This split ring version was my first attempt and although I liked the alternating colours I wasn't happy with the overall dimensions. I felt that the "arms" were not broad enough.

I opted for a very simple ring and chain design that met my own idea of the correct dimensions.

I used Lizbeth size 20 for the yellow/orange and purple/yellow ones and Lizbeth size 40 for the variagated one.

This is a close-up of the one I have decided to give to Joan.
This is such a basic design that it could well have already been achieved by another desgner. If you think that it is new, and you haven't seen it before, then I will write out the pattern and publish the PDF.