Wednesday 31 August 2011

Round/Square Doily

This is one of those patterns that I have picked up my shuttle to see where it would take me!
I started round, then went to square and now it would appear to be ending up as a rounded square! LOL.
My best friend loves it, so guess what? With an anniversary coming up it will be hers!

Another Celtic Knot Bookmark

This is a variation on the Simple Celtic Knot Bookmark in my last post. I thought I would make it a little more interesting by weaving 3 rows of split rings.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Simple Celtic Knot Bookmark

I have designed this simple bookmark. The twisted chains give it a Celtic Knot style and by using 4 shuttles in alternating colours, makes it look a little more interesting.
I have written the pattern out and published the PDF which you can get from here
or from the Free Patterns section of my blog.
Don't worry if you do not have 4 shuttles, it can be done with 2 shuttles and 2 ball threads, but it can twist up quite a bit this way. Much easier to keep the threads under control if you use 4 shuttles!

Friday 26 August 2011

Maria's version of Rosette Doily

Maria sent me a picture of the Rosette Doily that she just completed and considering she is a new tatter I thought she did it very well indeed!
Here is a link to her blog for more pictures.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Nina's pics

Nina was having difficulty with my Josephine Knot Bookmark as can be seen in the green version. She thought that she had to close the JK with a picot. When I explained how to do it properly, you can see the result in the red version.
Well done Nina!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Variagated Doily

I had some of this thread left on my shuttles from the ~Rosette Doily~ and thought I would use it up. I basically designed one row and then just kept repeating it. Sometimes offset and sometimes straight on. Not bad, but I don't think it is the best of designs!

Friday 19 August 2011

Rosette Doily - Test Tatted

Here is a picture of the Rosette Doily - the pattern for which my friend, Stephanie, test tatted for me. Didn't she do a grand job? I love the way she has used the white to accentuate the rosette edging! It just shows how colour can affect the end result and colour combinations are endless!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Rosette Doily Link

I have now put the link to the Rosette Doily in the Free Patterns section on my blog. You will find it on the right hand side.....just scroll down.
The site that I use for my PDF files is and it is a wonderful site to use. I can highly recommend it if you have PDF files that you would like others to be able to download.

Monday 15 August 2011

Rosette Doily

Here is my latest doily now tatted in a variagated thread. It is Lizbeth size 40 col 124. I have written out the pattern and my good friend, Stephanie, is test tatting it for me. As soon as she is done I will post the link to the PDF.
Here is the link now available.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Round doily

My dear daughter-in-law asked me to make her another doily in brown and cream, to match her decor, to go under a vase.
On the journey to visit my mum on Tuesday, I came up with this design and finished it last night.
I used split rings and split chains to climb out of the rounds to prevent tying and cutting, but this shows up as the wrong colour. I decided that it didn't matter as the centre would be under the ornament and not seen.
I eventually worked out how to do the split chain with just one colour, but I couldn't remember how to do a single shuttle split ring, which might have solved the two-colour problem in the rings!
I really enjoyed doing this simple pattern and I am going to do it again with a single variagated thread and write the pattern out at the same time. When it is done I will post it here on my blog.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Book Covers All Done

At last, I have finished the book cover for the Book of Mormon for my friend, Eileene. It, and the Bible cover, are already winging their way across the pond by first class air mail!
I found it very difficult to get the finished lace to the exact measurements, but I think there is enough stretch in them to fit the books. Better to be a little tight than to fall off!

Monday 1 August 2011

Some good news!

I saw a new neurosurgeon on Saturday just gone, and he thinks that my pain is not coming from the loose screws in my number 10 thoracic vertebrae, but higher up and therefore, surgery is probably not the way to go!
Instead, he thinks I would be best served by trying a nerve block.....locating the nerve roots that are causing me the pain and injecting them with anaesthetic and steroids. If this proceedure relieves the pain, then it can be done as a permanent proceedure.
It will leave me with a permanent numb band around my chest, but that has to be a million times better than severe pain 24/7!
I'm just hoping that I don't have to wait too long for the treatment.
In the meantime I have slowed down on the tatting, as I find it hard to sit for any length of time at the moment. The book cover for Eileene is coming along, but much slower than I wanted!