Tuesday 31 July 2012

Bobbin tightening!

You know the trouble we all have with bobbin type shuttles.....the bobbins soon become slack with wear, so much so, that you can't use any pull on the shuttle without the bobbin unwinding? Well, I have found the perfect answer.
I had recently tried using bits of rubber bands, which was better than nothing, but not yet perfect.
I thought maybe a solution would be to fill the hole in the centre of the bobbin with a substance that would dry but also be flexible and decided to try the sort of silicone that is used for decoupage.
I bought some from my local craft store and gave it a try. IT WAS MAGICAL!!! The shuttle worked perfectly! I could put plenty of pressure on the bobbin without it unwinding but a little more pressure let me pull out as much thread as I needed.
I am chuffed to bits! LOL!!!

Saturday 28 July 2012

Classic pattern

I am re-working my Classic Doily so that I can photograph each section to match the written pattern. I am now on the last round and so will hope to get the pattern test-tatted soon. Anyone up for test-tatting?

Monday 23 July 2012

Classic Doily - Brown & Cream

Here is the brown and cream version of the Classic Doily. I am still not 100% happy with the stitch count, the first row after the first set of scallops is too big and I ended up with a lot more scallops around the outer edge! I have already started a new one, in size 40 Lizbeth white, instead of size 20 and I am writing the pattern out as I go. I feel confident that I will get it right this time and when it is test-tatted, I will publish the pattern.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Split Chain Doily - correction

Just to let everyone know that Brenda has been tatting my Split Chain Doily and found a mistake in the instructions. I have corrected the mistake if you would like to download the new PDF http://freepdfhosting.com/4f94885271.pdf
Otherwise, just alter the one you already have. The end of round 6 should read DNRW and not RW.
Please note, this is because I do my split chains WITHOUT reversing my work to complete them....sort of do them from the front, as can be seen from my video demo. If you do your split chains by turning your work round, then you have to do the opposite to the pattern....in other words, RW. I hope this all makes sense!

Friday 6 July 2012

Classic Doily

I told my friend, Eileene, in America, that I was bored because I didn't have a project to tat, and I don't like just tatting for no reason, so she requested a large round doily for her dining room table.

This is the result. I liked doing it very much and I am going to make one for myself. The second rounds of rings are a little busy, so I will adjust it and probably write the pattern out as I am doing it.