Wednesday 26 December 2007

Dangly Ornaments In Position

I just thought you would all like to see the dangly ornaments "in-situ". When the tree is lit up at night (also the other gold thingy lights up) it all looks so pretty and sparkly and seasonal, but it photographs better in the daylight. We had a lovely Christmas Day with me, DH Jim, mum Rose, son Howard and his girlfriend Charlie although poor Howard and Charlie had to go to work at 10pm (police force). Today is Boxing Day and it is a beautiful sunny day. No white Christmas for us this year (as usual)!!


  1. Hi Linda, I love your Christmas decorations. I had some old el cheapo Teneriffe doilies that I bought in a bunch of stuff that I got in an antique store. The old doilies were not what I was after but I kept them...and then when I was trying out an fabric stiffner this past summer I applied it to the Teneriffe doilies and thought...gee...they make some pretty good looking I Have then hanging from my ceiling fan lights. They worked out beautiful for that.

  2. Your decorations are very pretty andI bet they do sparkle at night. I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas. Happy Boxing Day! I have only had one white Christmas in my life and that was one of the two Christmas' I spent in Badingham in the 80's. I'll never forget it. Better luck next year!

  3. Your dangly ornaments are wonderful! Another "must try" to add to my list!

  4. Loved looking at your photos. We had a mock white Christmas as everything was covered in a heavy frost, almost as rare as snow!

  5. Thank you to everyone for their lovely comments. It spurs me on to do more designing. Although my next projects will be bridal tatting for the spring.

  6. Looks like you had lots of sparkles for Christmas. I bet it was pretty at night.

  7. I have enjoyed your blog... and it was in my recent history.. so when I got tagged, your link was handy!
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