Tuesday 11 March 2008

Re-designed anitque lace

We were asked by Georgia Seitz, during the online tatting special on 29th Feb, to try to adapt antique edgings using modern tatting techniques. This is my version of one of the laces from that class. I did the top row of block tatting first, then the pink row of alternating self closing mock rings - small SCMR first, then large SCMR, followed by a small chain. The bottom row of bigger blocks came last. When I have written the pattern out I will put it on my blog.


  1. I really like this Linda and would love to have the pattern.

  2. Bravo Linda! I wanted to take up this challenge too, but right now I am in over my head with other tatting projects...but I do have this challenge on the back burner!

  3. Thank you, Laura and Sherry for your kind words. I am in the middle of writing out the patterndiagram already done) and then I will publish it on my blog. Georgia Seitz wants to cover it in one of the online classes, probably 17th (I assume she means this month)

  4. Very well done Linda, but it looks like a lot of work.

  5. Hi Clyde, it looks more difficult than it actually is. The block tatting blocks are very straightforward and quite quick when you get into the swing of it and I did the pink row as SCMRs because they are much easier to do than very large ordinary rings.

  6. That looks great wonderful job
