Saturday 31 May 2008

And now the corsage!

The pansy and other flowers in the same HDT thread made into a corsage that I am going to wear tomorrow to a Christening. The same Christening that I did the cake for in an earlier post that has the little pink tatted bootees on. I will try to get someone to take my photo so that you can see me wearing my corsage.

Friday 30 May 2008

Pretty Pansy

I thought you would all like to see how Sherry's yarn (AKA ladyshuttlemaker) makes up into one of my flowers. This is the very first HDT (hand dyed thread) that I have used and I think you will agree that it works beautifully on this little flower. The variagation for this flowers is perfect! The thread is Lights Lavender in size 80. The link to Sherry's blog is in my "Friends" side bar.

Saturday 24 May 2008

A Great Big Thank You!

I just wanted everyone to know what an absolute star Jeff Hamilton has been in test tatting my Gladdiolus pattern. Perhaps he will share some of the pictures of the work he has done so far, especially if I ask him nicely ;-)

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Completed Gladdy

Well this is the finished result. Of course you could add more flowers but be warned they take a lot of thread!

Monday 12 May 2008

The story so far!

This is the gladiolus development so far.
I have made one large set of petals and one set slightly smaller. I have designed the buds and the calyx.
I just need to make a couple more buds and calyxes and then I can assemble the whole flower.
This flower has been quite challenging but I have managed to create each petal and calyx with one "throw". The only C & T (cut and tie) is at the end of each petal/calyx.

Sunday 4 May 2008

June Wedding Cake

Although the wedding for this cake is not until June 21st I have finished it today. This is because it is a rich fruit cake and therefore the longer it stands the better it gets! But also because I am going to have an operation on my shoulder on May 16th and could not take the chance that I might be better in time to do the decorations after the op, if you see what I mean!

I had a few flowers and leaves left over and so I thought I would make a small arrangement for the knife as an extra gift from me. I would normally charge for this service, but as the couple are collegues of my son I thought I would change the habit of a lifetime! :>)

Another young lady came to see me on Friday about her wedding cake for August who hadn't got a clue what design she wanted! However, when she saw this one she wanted the same thing with a slight variation i.e all three layers stacked on top of one another - and she wanted the exact same colour roses - but with just beargrass and no leaves so that it matches her bouquet.
I did explain to her though that she couldn't have all tiers as fruit cake, stacked like that, otherwise she wouldn't be able to pick it up! The bottom tier alone weighs about 10 pounds - there is also aprrox. 10 pounds of marzipan and icing on the three tiers!!! So she has settled for a sponge centre tier - with that, we should just about be able to pick the whole thing up - BUT NOT ME!!!

Looks as if I am going to be very busy making 4 dozen claret roses before May 16th!

Thursday 1 May 2008

Imogen's Christening Cake

This is the cake, now complete, that I did the little bootees for. And this is the gorgeous little girl that the cake is for!