Sunday 4 May 2008

June Wedding Cake

Although the wedding for this cake is not until June 21st I have finished it today. This is because it is a rich fruit cake and therefore the longer it stands the better it gets! But also because I am going to have an operation on my shoulder on May 16th and could not take the chance that I might be better in time to do the decorations after the op, if you see what I mean!

I had a few flowers and leaves left over and so I thought I would make a small arrangement for the knife as an extra gift from me. I would normally charge for this service, but as the couple are collegues of my son I thought I would change the habit of a lifetime! :>)

Another young lady came to see me on Friday about her wedding cake for August who hadn't got a clue what design she wanted! However, when she saw this one she wanted the same thing with a slight variation i.e all three layers stacked on top of one another - and she wanted the exact same colour roses - but with just beargrass and no leaves so that it matches her bouquet.
I did explain to her though that she couldn't have all tiers as fruit cake, stacked like that, otherwise she wouldn't be able to pick it up! The bottom tier alone weighs about 10 pounds - there is also aprrox. 10 pounds of marzipan and icing on the three tiers!!! So she has settled for a sponge centre tier - with that, we should just about be able to pick the whole thing up - BUT NOT ME!!!

Looks as if I am going to be very busy making 4 dozen claret roses before May 16th!


  1. Beautiful cake. You're one very talented lady. Hope your surgery goes well as planned and improves what ever ails ya.

  2. Jeepers, you work so hard. Good luck with the op. They are all amazing cakes, way too good to eat.

  3. This cake is lovely. What a lucky bride! You are one busy lady. I hope the operations goes well and you won't be out of commission for very long.

  4. Wow - you can make a cake that long ahead of time?! This shows how much I know about baking. It is absolutely lovely, and the words "rich fruit cake" make my mouth water. *drool*

  5. The cake is beautiful and you are very talented. Hope your surgery goes well.

  6. WoW!!! It is beautiful!! hope your surgery goes well... :)
