Tuesday 12 August 2008

Great News!

Great new folks! I recently contacted the craft suppliers Handy Hands in the United States and told them about my tatting pattern books. One of their staff visited my blog and website, were impressed with what they saw and ordered 50 of my first book (that was published professionally) "From Petals to Pearls". I am still walking on air! I am not interested in making a lot of money out of my books...it simply would not be possible...but to promote tatting, that is my goal!


  1. Wow! Congratulations.

    I have to admit I bought one of your books before (exotic flowers). It blew me away! I showed it to my most reverred tatting teacher and she was similarly impressed!!! =)

    Good for you!!! You deserve it!

  2. Congratulations! That is very exciting news! I love your first book (I purchased it from you as a download). Ooh! I've been reading the blog of a real author!

  3. Congratulations, Linda! I'm sure in time to come, they will ask for more of your books.

  4. Congratulations on the sale of your book. Best wishes! Love the flowers.

  5. Congratulations!
    I am not surprised at all that Handy Hands wants to sell your books, and I bet they will sell out quickly, and be back for more!

  6. Thank you, each and every one of you! Your encouragement is very much appreciated!

  7. Congratulations Linda! I am so happy for you. As someone mentioned on HBT, Handy Hands has a large following and probably the largest selection of tatting supplies. Certainly, more tatters unaware of your designing talents will be inspired by your work. I hope you sell lots and lots of books, both your current ones and the ones you will be publishing in the future.

  8. Congratulations Linda. This is a major step forward for you.

  9. Congratulations! I know you are walking on air - I would be!

  10. YAYYYY! How exciting is that!?! Wayyyyy cool!
