Friday 30 January 2009

A couple of new motifs!

I have continued to doodle over the past couple of evenings and have come up with a square motif and a heart shaped one. The square one has been tatted with a variagated Rubi size 20 thread and the heart was tatted with Coates Aida size 20. The square motif can be left on it's own and used as an embellishment or can be put together at the corners to make a larger motif, a larger square doily or even a longer table runner/scarf.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Butterfly form the heart!

I was doodling last evening thinking I would design a heart being as Valentine's Day is so close! Hmmm....well as you can see, it's nothing like a heart, but it does make a pretty butterfly! LOL

Sunday 25 January 2009

Knitting whilst visiting

I have spent a lot of time visiting my Mum and my DH in hospital and so I have spent the time knitting myself an Aran Jacket. The pattern did not have pockets, but what use is a jacket without pockets? Not a difficult task to do and so my version has now got pockets. Got to have somewhere to put the tatting shuttles! LOL

Sunday 11 January 2009

Hospital Mania!

I thought regular visitors to my blog might be wondering why I haven't been posting recently. Unforturnately my Mum was taken into hospital just before Christmas with pnuemonia and came home to my house on Christmas Eve, however, her condition became much worse and had to go back into hospital on New Year's Eve. At the moment she is still in hospital but at least she is now on the mend.

Last night I had to take my husband to the Accident and Emergency department as he had become really ill with some unknown ?virus. They have kept him in and will be giving him a brain scan as soon as an appointment can be made.

So, as you can see, I have had no time at all for crafts and blogging!