Sunday 11 January 2009

Hospital Mania!

I thought regular visitors to my blog might be wondering why I haven't been posting recently. Unforturnately my Mum was taken into hospital just before Christmas with pnuemonia and came home to my house on Christmas Eve, however, her condition became much worse and had to go back into hospital on New Year's Eve. At the moment she is still in hospital but at least she is now on the mend.

Last night I had to take my husband to the Accident and Emergency department as he had become really ill with some unknown ?virus. They have kept him in and will be giving him a brain scan as soon as an appointment can be made.

So, as you can see, I have had no time at all for crafts and blogging!


  1. So sorry to hear that your family members are having so many health issues! What a trying time. Hope both your Mother and husband will be well on their way to good health very soon.

  2. Sorry to read this! Best wishes to your mother and husband. Hopefully your husband just has a virus and will be good as new in no time.

  3. Sorry to hear of the illness in your family. Good that mum is on the mend and hopefully will be home soon. I hope everything goes well with your husband scan.

  4. I hope it all gets sorted out soon for you and with a positive outcome.

  5. opsie, sorry to hear that you are bogged down like this. hope your mum and hubby are better soon. do take care of yourself too.

  6. Thank you everyone, for your kind comments. It's heartwarming to know that there are people out in the great wide world who care about others no matter how far away they are! Reading my messages this morning was very comforting!

  7. Sorry to hear of all the illness. Praying for you and your family.

  8. So sorry to hear that you are all having such a bad time, hope things get better soon.

  9. It's very sad to hear that you have so much disease in your family now. I wish the best for your husband and your mother. I know that you are a strong woman, just be sure to get enough sleep and rest yourself. You need strength for your sick family members. How has your shoulder operation gone, hope you are healthy again after surgery.
    Best wishes from
    Elisabeth, Oslo, Norway

  10. Thank you, Kathy and Tatskool. Elisabeth, my shoulder operation was extremely successful, it's now almost as good as new! I'm so glad that I had it done! If anyone out there is considering surgery to arthritic joints I can highly recommend it. I have now had my right wrist and right shoulder done, both successful, and it has changed my life!

  11. Sorry to read about the various trips to the hospital- it's not a fun place to hang out. I hope that your hubby and mother' health improves. Take care of yourself.

  12. Linda,
    You and your family are in my thougths and prayers. May God bless and carry you thru this challenging time.

    With Many Blessings,
