Saturday 25 July 2009

DVD coming soon!

I am in the process of producing a DVD on tatting for beginners. I posted two small demos on YouTube about beading and split rings and had so many requests for making a DVD for beginners - literally starting from scratch, like winding the shuttle - that I thought that I had better get on with it!

I had thought that there were quite a few instructional videos available that I didn't need to add to the list, but the amount of subscribers to my videos on YouTube and their assurance that they liked my way of instructing, led me to think, OK, lets do it!

If all goes to plan I should finish the DVD today and then I will try to make a little promotional video to post on my blog and on YouTube.

It will not be a professional video - I am doing it entirely on my own with my own video camera and computer software - but I think it will be classed as a good amateur one!

Monday 20 July 2009

Another Version of the Star Attraction Doily

Sonja from Holland sent me this picture today of my Star Attraction doily that she has done in green and white. I think the colours are perfect together, don't you?

Sunday 19 July 2009

Back to tatting!

I promised to show some pictures of my latest daffodil design that I am making for Rebekah's bridal bouquet. There will be other flowers in the bouquet, but Bekah wanted the white daffodil to be predominant.

I am really enjoying the wedding themes that I have got running at the moment. I'm a real sucker for romance! LOL!!!

Some time ago I designed a new heart to decorate a couple of wedding cards that I need to do. I have now made the hearts intertwined in fine perle size 12 and encased them in a heart-shaped edging. The picture shows how they will be assembled on the card. When the card is completed - with the famous quotation of Friedrich Halm - I will post a picture.

Friday 10 July 2009

Wedding cake all finished!

The finsihed article!
Now I can relax until a couple of days before the wedding when I shall make the sponge cake for those who do not like fruit cake. Mind you! I have had people come up to me and say that they didn't like fruit cake, but they loved mine! Maybe it had something to do with the amount of alcohol I put in it ;-) !!! Fancy not liking rich fruit cake!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

A little preview!

I thought you would all like to see the flower arrangements that I have done ready for my next cake which is for August 2nd. This wedding cake is going to be for my son's best friend, Adam and his lovely fiance, Lauren.
Today I marzipanned the three rich fruit tiers ready for icing tomorrow. I can't wait to see it finished! When I have a picture in my mind of what I want to do and what the bride wants it to look like I'm always relieved to see the finished article - it doesn't always look like I expect! LOL! But this one is going to be just right!

Thursday 2 July 2009

4th July Wedding Cake

Remeber the hibiscus sugar flowers I posted about last April? Well here they are on the cake they were made for.
I couldn't finish the cake until today because one of the tiers is made of sponge! I don't usually make one of the tiers in sponge because of the time limitations. My usual method is to make all of the tiers as rich fruit cakes that keep for months, even years so that I can decorate them well in advance. I then make a quick sponge cake, decorated with plain icing that can be kept in the kitchen of the venue and then cut for any guests who do not like fruit cake.
The reason I do this is that, being as I am only one on my own doing someone's very special wedding cake and relying on me to deliver, I like to be done well in advance in case of accidents or illness (you never know what is around the corner!). Big bakery companies have more than one deocrator they can call on! But on this occassion, the customer is one of long standing and extremely valued so I broke my own rules! LOL. Mind you, I breathed a great sigh of relief about an hour ago when I had finally completely finished! Phew!!!