Wednesday 21 October 2009

Tiara motifs

In a previous post I told you about our future daughter-in-law being diagnosed with breast cancer. Well, it was supposed to be good news, as there was no lymph involvement, and she would only have to have radiotherapy after the lump was removed. But it now turns out that she is HER2+, and for those who do not not understand what this means (which I didn't until recently) it is not good news! HER2+ means that she has the most agressive form of cancer and therefore will have to have the most aggressive form of treatment! Chemo, radiotherapy and Herceptin....the whole kit and kaboodle!

She had been growing her hair for the wedding, Sept 4 2010, but of course, will now loose all her hair. She had it cut short last week so that loosing it would not be so traumatic! It looks fantastic and she is so pleased, because by the time the wedding comes round her hair will have grown to this length at least. We have all assured her that we think it suits her better than when it was longer! And....hand on heart.....we all really mean this! It suits the shape of her face so well - it gives her that urchin look!

Now that I've got all that off my chest, the reason for the tiara motifs is this. I was always going to make DIL's tiara anyway, so I thought, to cheer her (and myself) up a bit I would make a start on the design. The pictures show my doodles so far. They are a long way from the finished article - I may not use anything I have done so far! LOL - but any feedback/comments/suggestions from my valued tatting friends and followers would be most welcome. My tentative idea is to make a larger motif for the centre, with smaller motifs on either side, and maybe even smaller again, petering out. I must mention that DIL is only small with a cute little face, so the whole thing has to be on the smaller side. When I get the final design right, I shall be using real crystals, so that it sparkles - it will also match in with the sparkles on her wedding dress. I have several shapes of crystal including faceted droppers. My personal favourite motif, so far, is the centre white one in the top row, but I also love to use clunies. Oh what a wonderful dilemma, I'm loving every moment of it, especially because of the reason that I am doing it! It was always going to be a pleasure, but now its magnitude is a thousand fold!


  1. All the best to your future daughter-in-law; she sounds a brave woman. I like all your doodles, but my favorite is the one in the lower left.

  2. I'm so sorry to read about all your future DIL is going through. I pray that her treatment will be successful!!

    I know the Tiara will be beautiful!! The motifs are all lovely!

  3. All the best to your future daughter-in-law.

    The one i like most is the center one at the bottom.

  4. Oh, I hope your future DIL is able to conquer this thing! There are many advancements with breast cancer treatments so here's hoping her body is able to respond and heal!

    The tiars are lovely I like the middle bottom one with all the pearls around the edge and the one right above it that looks like a little fan! Those are my faves, but they are all nice.

  5. I favor the fan-shap also, Linda.

    The main thing is that your daughter-in-love has good moral support from her family. When she is going through Chemo, it helps if people give you a cool cloth (one feels as tho they are going to spontaneously combust ~ talk about power surges).
    I will remember her in my prayers. You know, I learned from my cancers that we have more grit within us than we ever realize. Plus, they have made such strides in breast cancer treatments. When she gets to the radiation part, let me know. There's a product you can get, to soak linens in, that cools and refreshes the radiation area and helps with healing, if needed. I'm a click away.

  6. Thank you so much to you all for your support and friendship. I shall certainly contact you, Bev, when the radiation part comes along.

    With the motifs so far, they or course are only bits and pieces, some of them will have further rows added and some will be scrapped.

  7. What a wonderful thing you are doing for your dil. She must really appreciate the support. I like the middle one at the bottom best.
