Friday 25 February 2011

Motif and Coronet Edging

I have been asked to video myself working the outer edging on my Coronet Doily and so, of course, I had to make another one to achieve this. I used Lizbeth thread, size 40 in 120 colourway, but this thread was a real nightmare with the amount of twist in it!!! No matter how carefully I wound my shuttles, or let them dangle, there was always too much twist.....I had to be really careful how I closed my rings!
The software with my new computer is soooo different from my last one that it is going to take me sometime to work out how to edit my video. For YouTube it can only be 10 minutes or less and at the moment my clip is 30!

This is a little motif that I doodled with a couple of nights ago. I just wanted to tat something while I was watching television and this is what I came up with.
I used split rings, split chains and thrown off rings to achieve the look.
The thread is Altin Basak 50, although it tats up more like a 20 size!


  1. I like the new motif. The overlapping chains are a very interesting look.

  2. Your tatting works look so beautiful!

  3. I think it is great that you are doing the YouTube video. The motif is fantastic! I, too, love the effect of the overlapping chains. Some of my favorite designs have come about from playing rather than planning. This one is definitely a keeper!
