Wednesday 30 March 2011

Work in progress!

My new DIL, Charlotte, who is nearing completion of her breast cancer treatment, is feeling pretty rough at the moment and so I though I would cheer her up with a doily done in her favourite colours. She has a vase to sit on it that will compliment the colours perfectly.

I've got a couple of white rows to do and then I shall finish off with probably three rows of the dark purple. I am simply making it up as I go along and it seems to be flowing quite nicely....not much retro-tatting LOL!!!

The thread is Lizbeth size 40.


  1. Very pretty! My best to Charlotte... I wish her a speedy recovery.

  2. I am sorry to hear about Charlotte, please pass on my best wishes I hope things improve for her. I hope your doliy will cheer her up. Its a lovely design

  3. My best to Charlotte. The doily is wonderful and in such pretty colours.

  4. She'll appreciate your thoughtfulness so much!

  5. My best wishes for your DIL :) and your doily is absolutely lovely :) she will really like it and you know it will cheer her up :)

  6. What a beautiful gift. Hope it helps her to feel a little better.

  7. You are a wonderful MIL to be making this for your DIL Charlotte. I hope this gift will make her feel better soon.

  8. The colours will cheer her up! It's a lovely doily.
