Wednesday 18 May 2011

Bad news!

I saw my spinal specialist on Monday 16th May, only to be told that the operation I had last year has failed. The top two screws are loose and will have to be put right, so I am back on the surgical waiting list yet again!
He is hoping to be able to do a simple exchange of screws (bigger ones) and bone grafts with my own bone and also synthetic material, but if when he gets in there it cannot be done, then it will mean fixation all the way up to my neck!


  1. I have been following you for about 1/2 a year so I don't know the operation you had. I'm very sorry it didn't work though and that you will have to undergo more surgery!!

  2. How awful to have to go through the surgery again! My fingers are crossed it'll work out this time. Best wishes

  3. I'm very sorry to hear this after all you've been through. Hope it is as simple as it can be.

  4. Oh, so sorry to hear that you will have to go through another operation. I will say a prayer that all will turn out well for you!

  5. I'm so sorry. I hope the exchange of screws is all you'll need and you'll be back on your feet as soon as possible.

  6. hugs and blessing Linda.
    hope things will work out for you the simplest way

  7. I'm so sorry to ready that you have to go through another surgery. I hope that all goes well for you!

  8. Oh, how miserable for you. The fix-it up to the neck sounds awful, so I hope the other solution will work.

  9. I am so sorry to hear you need another operation, I hope this one works and you get it quickly. My thoughts are with you and hope you are not in too much pain.
    take care

  10. How frustrating! I'm praying for you that you will feel as good as possible for as long as possible, and that this one will finally do the job.

  11. No wonder making that last beautiful cake was so painful. Thinking of you and wishing you a short wait and a successful surgery!

  12. Hugs to you Linda. So sorry to hear this. Blessings to you and prayers are going to follow you threw this!

  13. I pray that the next surgery is soon,the simpliest fix option and a complete success. God bless you as you go through another time of endurance.
