Sunday 17 July 2011

Next book cover

Here is the design of the cover for Eileene's Book of Mormon. It is the same format as the bible cover, but with a different motif.
I have to get a move on with this now, as I have heard that my next big spinal operation is looming. I see a new specialist on 24th July and then the op should be done within a couple of weeks after. It can't come soon enough for me. Perhaps then I can get my life back!


  1. Very nice design. I sometimes forget how effective all-white tatting can be.

    I hope your surgery goes well. I know how hard it can be not to be able to do the things you love.

  2. Its a really beautiful cover. It looks alot like the Star of David table runner I'm working on for oldest son's Christmas present. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Love your patterns & advice on HBT's. Good luck with the operation hope it will relieve your pain so you can get back to what you love to do :)
    Jennifer G

  3. I had thought that somehow your back was better as you hadn't mentioned it for awhile. I can only speculate that you are 'comfortable' while sitting and tatting. Otherwise I can't imagine how you have the patience to tat these gorgeous covers. The danger here is that you might be besieged with orders for them!

    I certainly wish you well with your surgery. This has been such a long saga.

  4. Linda, esta cubierta para el Libro de Mormón esta ¡INCREIBLE! verdaderamente BELLA al igual que la que tejiste para la Biblia. Las escrituras de Eileene van a estar de lujo.
    Por otro lado, te tendré en mis oraciones y pediré al Padre Celestial por que tu operación sea un éxito y que sea su Voluntad. Besos

  5. Beautiful cover and will make another lovely book for her. I hope they get the op sorted quickly and you get back to full health,

  6. I love this motif/pattern!
