Monday 5 December 2011

Coronet Doily Variation - Completed

 Here, as promised, are pictures of the finished Coronet Doily Variation.
 It was made with Coates Aida size 20 and measures approximately 25inches across.


  1. Oh my heavens! This is spectacular!

    I admire your stick-to-it-ness. I could never have finished such a large endevour.

  2. Absolutely glorious! What lovely work!

  3. Eine wunderschöne Decke. Ein Meisterstück.

  4. Fantastic Linda! Only when it is shown on the table can the extent of your future heirloom be fully appreciated.

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. just WOW!!!
    it looks terrific LInda
    absolutely breathtaking

  6. That is just absolutely beautiful! I so admire your work, it truly is art. :) ty for sharing !

  7. Oh my I want to make one. ...Wonder what color I should do mine in...hmmm any suggestions?? YOur centerpiece is gorgeous??

  8. Wow...this is gorgeous!! Now I want to make one...I wonder what color I should use. This so beautiful. What thread did you use to make yours? I will need to study this further to see how this was all put together. Beautiful!!

  9. What a stunning piece Linda!

    It looks perfect on the table, and the colour choice is superb!

  10. Duh!! I now see what thread you used. Still need to know what colors you did yours in.

  11. Sensational tatting, Linda! What an accomplishment.
    Fox : )

  12. This is simply beautiful! I am in awe.

  13. That is so amazingly beautiful!!! :)

  14. Amazing work Linda. I just love seeing large pieces of tatting.

  15. Oh My! T hate to think of how many hours went into making this but it's worth it! Beautiful!

  16. GASP...thud!
    Absolutely breathtaking!

  17. Thank you, everyone, for all your wonderful comments. I really DO appreciate it and it spurs me on to design more and more.

  18. I have no idea how I missed this post, other than it was around the time of our tatting events.

    I am speechless! I knew you were 'working on' a big project, but seeing it finished has left me beyond words! I would feel very proud if I finished just ONE of the doilies!

    I often say I can't believe they used to tat tablecloths in the past (and I don't think many actually did!). It would seem that it would take years and years, and yet within a few months you managed to do this - and also created your own design (which is a 'walk in the park for you!).

    You are SO talented in so many areas! All that's missing is a vase with your beautiful tatted flowers and one of your spectacular cakes! Wouldn't THAT be a showstopper at a Fair!!!! They could charge admission just to see it!

    Best wishes to you and your family for a happy New Year!

  19. Wow gorgeous! Love the colours, the design... awesome!
