Sunday 10 February 2013

Toffee Tin for Shuttles

This little toffee tin (now empty of course, yum-yum!!) measures about 4 inches square, which is perfect for keeping spare shuttles in. As it was very plain I decided to pretty it up a bit with some beaded tatting. The thread is Anchor perle size 12 with tiny purple seed beads.
This has been my first bit of tatting for months! But it has kick started me into action again and I have started my Split Chain doily in pink perle size 12, which I am hoping to get done before I go into hospital on 18th Feb.


  1. It's lovely and delicate. Well done!
    Nice to see you back too. Good luck next week.

  2. Very pretty motif. The tin is now really beautiful, fit for taking in shuttles. :)

  3. that is a very pretty tin. Glad your tatting mojo has restarted. good luck with the surgery

  4. My Dear Linda,
    I am so happy that at last you can have your surgery, my thoughts and prayers will be with you constantly, I cannot find your private addy right now as I have a new computer..not easy to learn...I pray that all your pain will be gone....and the surgery will be a great success
    Love and Hugs
    Always a Pal
    Joy in OZ

  5. ciao sono molto contenta per la tua salute e ti auguro di stare nene. un abbraccio dall'Italia
