Friday 26 April 2013

Delicacy Doily


Here is my latest doily made in Perle size 12. The PDF for the pattern is in my Free Pattern section or you can get the link here.

This is the original design that I did last June but I wasn't happy with the stitch count
The lilac one was my next attempt and it was much better but still not quite right.


  1. Once more a classic doily from you Linda. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pattern.

  2. Your doily is beautiful, Linda! Thank you for sharing your pattern.

  3. Your doilies are all so pretty. It amazes me at how fast you can churn out new designs.

  4. Completely gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing it too!

  5. Your doily is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Beautiful!! Love the look of this one. You are very talented :)

  7. Another lovely design, so pretty. Thanks for sharing your pattern.

    Hope you are still improving.

  8. They all look very elegant to me!! :)

  9. Linda, I am working on this doily pattern of yours and I am having a problem with it past round 7. After that point the doily starts to ruffle up. Is there anything I can do to adjust the pattern to avoid this? I was thinking that I could change the stitch pattern from 3-3-3-3-3 to 2-2-2-2-2. Do you think that would work?

    You don't have to publish my comment, if you could just reply to me at

  10. you did a great job and enjoyed looking a the one you improved I made a little heart one and made many attempts before I was happy with it mine is free to on my blog "Carollyn's tatting blog" This is lovely just wonderful!

  11. This doily is beautiful. I'm working on it right now and I'm a bit confused. Where it says close to the top of the pattern it says "Ch8 SC 3-3/3-3 DNRW" then it goes to Round 2. I followed the directions but I think I messed up. It looks nothing like yours. lol Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

  12. lequita if you are having trouble doing the split chains try looking at my video on how to do them on YouTube, the link is on the right side bar of my blog.

  13. I am having a problem with the doily ruffling after round 7, like Monica Braxton. How can I correct it? Will it eventually lay flat? I've had that happen with some of the ones I've crocheted.


  14. I don't know if my comment posted, so I'm going to post it again.
    How do I keep it from ruffling after row 7? This is my favorite
    doily pattern I've ever seen, and I really want it to look right.

    Thanks so much!

  15. Branding, I didn't find a problem with ruffling but I think it would help if you steam iron it as you go.
