Saturday 19 July 2014

3D collection No.3

Here is the latest edition to my 3D collection. I have photographed the piece on the small vase to illustrate how it drapes down, especially if worn as a head piece.
I used vintage Anchor white cotton size 80 and Anchor perle size 12 in lilac colourway 0108.


  1. This is so elegant! I love wearing tatting in my hair.

  2. Amazingly beautiful arrangement!

  3. Wow stunning, and very beautiful.

  4. Gorgeous and very elegant ; and it looks good as a flower arrangement too ♡♡♡

  5. This is spectacular! So delicate in those fine threads! It looks wonderful in the vase, too I can also envision it decorating one of your amazing cakes!! Is it for a special occasion?

  6. address is. Lol
    I love you blog.
    Tx for sharing.

  7. Simply gorgeous, thanks for sharing

  8. Hi Linda,

    Can you please not post this? I'm trying to get in touch with you, and cannot find an email address anywhere.

    Would you please send me an email to:

    admin (at) tattingcentral (dot) com

    I am in the process of building a website dedicated to tatting, and would like to link to you. I am not doing this to exploit, sell, steal, or infringe on any of your content. Quite the contrary! Everything I feature will be properly credited and linked to the original sources.

    here is a link to my site: tattingcentral (dot) com

    There isn't much there right now, as I'm in the designing stage - but the site is planned for an August 1st launch date. I understand if you need some time to think about it - no problem :-)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing from you no matter what you decide.

    Kind Regards,

  9. Susan from tatting Central, the email you gave me did not work. Do you have another one.
    Mine is lindasusandavies at hotmail dot co dot uk

  10. Hi Linda,

    I wrote to you last night. Let me know if you didn't get it.

    In a nutshell, I'm building a site dedicated to tatting and I would like your permission to link to, and feature you and your designs.

    Here's another email address you can try:

    You should be able to copy and paste that directly.

    If you can't get a hold of me by email, just drop a 'yes' or 'no' in your comments and I'll see it.

    Thanks for your time, and I apologize for any inconvenience!

  11. I have not been blogging in a while and can't believe I missed this work of art! Its is just wonderful!

  12. Hi Linda,

    Thanks for your permission. I could use your help. I did send you a couple emails recently. But just in case you didn't receive them, I will post the most recent below:

    "" I'm dedicating a page to each Designer, and you all will be featured on my site. Included in that featured page is an interview...

    Now it's your turn! :-)

    Would you mind participating, by answering a few questions for me?

    In your blogpost "I have been tagged" (January 2008), you mentioned that you taught yourself how to tat in 1967. Where did you first learn about tatting, and what intrigued you?

    You also mentioned you started designing flowers because one of the doilies you were making wasn't turning out quite right... Was it difficult in the beginning to design?

    Do you have a favorite flower that you tat, or do you like them all equally?

    What is your funniest tatting story?

    What is your most rewarding story?

    In July 2008, you received tatting needles from Sue Fuller. Did you ever get the hang of tatting with a needle? What is your opinion of of it?

    Do you teach tatting? If yes, I'd love to hear more about that - like - what is the age of your youngest student, and oldest student.

    What is your favorite thread to work with?

    What advice can you offer to a beginning tatter?

    If you don't have an experience to some of the above questions, just leave them blank - no problem :-D ""

    Thanks so much!
