Sunday 22 June 2008

I travelled to Amblecote, near Stourbridge in the West Midlands, yesterday to attend the get together arranged by the West Midlands Tatters.
I was welcomed by Chris Woolley and a nice hot drink after my semi-long journey in the pooring rain on the first day of summer!
It was very well attended and it was lovely to meet old friends and to make new ones.
We were entertained by the guest speaker, Mr Geoge Hook, who is the last mother-of-pearl worker left in Birmingham. He brought many samples of shells that the mother-of-pearl comes from and it was great being able to see them in the "raw" and also to handle them.
There were plenty of workshops and supplies by Mary Helen.


  1. I am so glad that you got to attend this meeting and meet this interesting man. I envy you this opportunity!

  2. Now, Linda, dear dear Linda, this is all well and good the workshops look like fun and it looks like an interesting event not to be missed...ahem...I do recall from you previous post we were going to be treated with a pic of you wearing your lovely corsage!!! What's up with that? I have been checking back faithfully everyday just to see your photo with the lovely corsage and....nothing....hmmmmpppfff ;)
    Well, I hope you know I'm just teasing you.
    It looks like the event was really neat!

  3. Oh no! You noticed, no picture of me wearing the corsage! I left the camera in the car (durr) and so I am waiting to procure a picture from one on the other guests. When I do I will post it - I PROMISE!!!

  4. Oh, goodie...see, I really DO read your blog! LOL!!! ;)

  5. Linda, you have been awarded AND Tagged. Please visit my blog for details...

  6. Hi Linda... you got an award on my blog.:)
