Monday 23 June 2008

Large Gladdy!

Jeff Hamilton kindly test tatted the gladiolus for me and his input was extremely valuable. I decided to tat another one, in red this time and with more flowers and buds, and in doing so, discovered a couple more mistakes in the written pattern.

It has been quite a marathon, this design and I am glad to be able to move onto another one. I have a hollyhock partly done and only have to write out the instructions for the Queen Ann's Lace and then the new book should be complete.

I have made a start on the parcel for my exchange partner from the Here-be-Tatters group. I am really excited about this as it is the first exchange I have participated in and I've got lots of ideas that I hope will please my partner!


  1. Wow! I love them!

    I don't know about you, but writing the patterns up is my very least favorite thing to do. It gives me the worst headache.

  2. The gladiolus is lovely as are all your flowers.
    I have not ventured into 3D tatting yet, I just don't know where to start. I know I have to ...soon, in order to miss out on beautiful things like this.

  3. What a fabby gladdy! I love it. That is one of my alltime fave summer flowers. You are so extremely talented.
