Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year Doily

I neede some cluny practice and this pattern is working out so well, first time around, that I am writing the pattern out as I go. I am using size 40 thread in white and ecru. When it is finished I will PDF it and put it in my Free Pattern section.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas tree bauble time again!

I have made lots of tatting ornaments over the years and a lot of them are on my tree again this year (the ones that haven't been given away that is!). This year's additions are the pink beaded ones that you can see in the close-ups.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Christmas Tree Earrings

I have finally got back into tatting after several weeks of knitting. I have made a lot of snow flake ornaments but forgot to photograph them before giving them away!
I have now made 4 pairs of Christmas Tree earrings....I made the first pair for my neighbour's daughter, Louise, with whom we are spending Christmas dinner and she suggested that we all (ladies that is) wear the same earrings and so I made another two pairs. When I told another friend what I had bee up to she said, "Oh! I need a pair as well....I have got to dress up in Christmas stuff at work!" She works at a local large supermarket. And, of course, other friends and family are jumping on the band wagon....I now know this pattern off by heart! LOL!!!

Sunday 18 August 2013

More Star Attractions!

Miranda sent me these lovely pics of my Star Attraction doily that she had made in beautiful pastel shades. Here is the link to her blog where she tells about it.

Miranda also told me about Fox's version of the same doily and here is the link to Fox's blog showing the details.
What an amazing job they have both done and doesn't it show what a difference colour makes to any tatting?

Monday 29 July 2013

Red & White Display

OK, OK!! I know it has been AGES since my last post, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been tatting....it simply means that I have been tatting surprises that I cannot blog about. But at last I have been able to do something I CAN talk about. This little display is for my next-door neighbour, Sue, who is an absolute treasure to me. She bought the red thread from a car-boot sale for just a few pence...didn't even really know if it was suitable for tatting....but got it anyway. She just happened to drop on to Coates vintage thread (size 20) in perfect condition and who better to tat it up for than for Sue herself. She isn't the doily type of person but loves this sort of thing.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Classic Doily Version 2 - all finished

Finished at last. This doily was so big I had to photograph it on the carpet!
I think the colour bands work extremely well with this design.
I shall edit the pattern when I get a chance and put the PDF here in my free pattern section.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Nearly there - Classic Doily

Just started the last round - which is the same scallop round as before. Will post a picture when it is all done. Done in Aida size 20 the large doily will measure about 17 inches in diameter.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Another Classic Doily Version

This is my Classic Doily done again in brown and ivory (my husband's favourite...and we have to keep the men sweet don't we?). The last time I did it in these colours I simply did all rings ivory and all chains brown, but this time I wanted to do blocks of colour.
The doily could be finished at this point and, done in size 20 cotton, it is a decent size, but I shall carry on and do the whole pattern. However it would make a good dressing table set with one large and two smaller ones.
I have also done a small mat just to use some thread up on my shuttles. I think it looks a bit like a Catherine wheel, but I won't be writing the pattern out as it needs tweeking.

Friday 26 April 2013

Delicacy Doily


Here is my latest doily made in Perle size 12. The PDF for the pattern is in my Free Pattern section or you can get the link here.

This is the original design that I did last June but I wasn't happy with the stitch count
The lilac one was my next attempt and it was much better but still not quite right.

Monday 15 April 2013

Four Square Doily

I have now finished the pattern for the square motif that can be put together to make a doily as large or small as you would like. Here is the PDF ENJOY!

Saturday 13 April 2013

Collar design process

First attempt, scrapped, I didn't like it at all!

Second attempt, better, a base to work from

Third attempt, definitely got the shape I want, but decided against using lock stitch chains. They are far too laborious! My next effort I changed the LSCs to ordinary ones, I reduced the stitches of the split rings in the row between the chains, and I have added a final row which I will post a picture of when completed.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

3 X 3 Square with Edging

Here is the little square motif pattern done 3 X 3 and then a simple little edging to finish it off.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Split Chain Doily Set

Here is the pink set completed. It turns out that my neighbour is not really into delicate lacy things so I shall keep this as a "stock" item to give as a present to someone else in the future.
This is my next project - a square motif that can be put together as often as the tatter wishes. The first square was not quite right, but I was pleased when only my second attempt worked very well. I am now in the process of photographing the motifs as I make them so that I can produce a pattern for them. The 4 squares above have not been pressed and so do not look as good as they could. When I have completed the pattern I will post a better picture.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Pretty in Pink

I've finished the pink version of my Split Chain Doily. Done in perle 12 it measures about 7 inches across. I shall now do two smaller doilies, to make the set, up to round 8.
Here is the link to the PDF pattern.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Better and Better!

I have been home for almost two weeks now and I am getting a little better every day. At first I had to have help from the Soical Services to get washed and dressed and to help with our evening meal, but I have improved so much now, that I no longer need help from the Social Services. Although I have a long way to go yet, Jim and I are managing very well between us. I am still relying on strong medication, but even that, I am managing with much less than at first.
I must be feeling better as I have started to tat again, yeahhh!!! I am doing a pink version of my Split Chain doily....using Perle 12.....very pretty and really fine. When I have finished the whole doily I have decided to make two more smaller ones (to the first round that is the same as the outside round) so that it can be used as a dressing table set. I shall give it to my neighbour who has been a wonderful friend during my incapacity.
I shall then have to come up with some more tatting to give to my other really good friends, who have all been invaluable over the last few weeks!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Getting slowly better

Just to let everyone know that my surgery went very well and that I am now on the long road to recovery. I cannot hold my iPad for long and so I will post more details hen I get home.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Toffee Tin for Shuttles

This little toffee tin (now empty of course, yum-yum!!) measures about 4 inches square, which is perfect for keeping spare shuttles in. As it was very plain I decided to pretty it up a bit with some beaded tatting. The thread is Anchor perle size 12 with tiny purple seed beads.
This has been my first bit of tatting for months! But it has kick started me into action again and I have started my Split Chain doily in pink perle size 12, which I am hoping to get done before I go into hospital on 18th Feb.

Monday 28 January 2013

Spinal Surgery

Good news! I now have a date for my impending spinal surgery....it will be 19th February 2013. This will be me my tenth and last surgery....it is a make or break situation!

I will be having the metalwork that was put in, in 2010, taken out, a wedge of bone removed from my lumbar region to correct the curvature (or lack of!) and new metalwork inserted, extending up to my neck.

There is no saying that this will remove all of my pain but if it reduces it I will be very pleased. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to stand up straight again....which I haven't been able to do since my last operation in 2010.

Perhaps then I will be able to get back to my tatting....I shall take some into the hospital with me in the hope that I can do a little after my surgery.