Designer of many tatting patterns. Simple method of beaded tatting. Flowers are my inspiration!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Split chain doily completed

And here is the split chain doily completed. My designing hat must have been really tall as this pattern just rolled off my retro-tatting needed at all!
Being able to do split chains makes such a difference to the amount of cutting and tying needed between rows. With this design, using split chains and split rings to climb out of rows, I only had to cut and tie after row 8 and the last row, doing away with masses of ends to sew in!


Carol said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I need to learn to do the split chains and split rings. You did a wonderful job, it's gorgeous!

Joschaocchi said...

Sehr schön geworden ist diese Decke. An geteilte Bögen habe ich mich noch nicht getraut. Wäre ein Versuch wert.
LG Johanna

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Beautiful! I'm beginning to think it's time to learn how to tat a split chain. : )

Kathy Niklewicz said...

I agree with Diane. I have been intimidated by split chains, and most of my projects are small ones. But it certainly seems like something worthwhile to learn!

Wonderful design!

Marilee Rockley said...

The design of the edge is especially eye-catching. Exquisite doily!

Ladytats said...

very, very nice Linda. you do such amazing work, and to be able to do this so easily. are you going to write up the pattern?

JB said...

It's spectacular! Beautiful design.

Margarets designer cards said...

Lovely pattern, split rings I am fine with but split chains I have to do a lot more practice.

Paule said...

Every thing you tat is so elegant!

God's Kid said...

Very beautiful doily!!! :)

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous,
Are we going to be able to buy the pattern for this doily? It would be great for concentrating on the split chain method...something I have avoided for far too long

Toptattyhead said...

Well, everyone, it looks as if I am going to have to write this pattern out. I have just finished another small doily and so now have the time to do it.....a job I don't always relish!!!! The things I do to keep you tatters happy! LOL!!!!!