Designer of many tatting patterns. Simple method of beaded tatting. Flowers are my inspiration!

Saturday 27 October 2007

Completed Christmas Cards

Here are the completed Christmas cards. All I have to do now is write out the patterns! Then put all the materials required into a kit.


Ridgewoman said...

Oh My! The cards are exquisite! My order is in for 6 - even though US $ is shrinking! :>) Six special people - the tatting won't be as beautiful as yours (I'm not that talented at tatting as yet) but they will be from BJ.
When I see Pointsettias I always think of my Aunt Sophie from Coloumbia - she loved growing Poinsettias at her home in Southern California.
Love the edging on the flower variation - way cool!
hugs n admiration.
BJ in NM

Anonymous said...

Linda, your work is beautiful. You are so creative.
over the past few years I have tried attatching tatting to fabric, none clothing, but with little success. Those are in my 'what not to do' stash,(I'm terrible at fine sewing). Thanks for sharing the information about using glue!!!(slap on the forehead moment).
Please let us know the cost of your kits.
Thanks again
NATA 214

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

These are exquisite!

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Linda, these are wonderful! I'm tempted to send Christmas cards!

Marilee Rockley said...

These are beautiful treasures! I can't decide which one I like better!

Sherry aka Celtic Dream Weaver said...

First of all...I want to say your cards are just beautiful. Who ever gets one of your cards will be one truly lucky person. Also I was wondering if you could help me. I see someone posted here by the name of Bernadette P. I am pretty sure this is the same person that I received some tatting thread from. I don't have her email address so I can't thank her. If you know it could you send me the email address please.
Again...I want to see all your flowers are so very pretty including the head peice. Just beautiful.
I also want to see that I have been to the UK and Ireland. It is my greatest wish to be able to go back again one day...I keep hoping. I loved it so much when I was there and between Ireland and the UK...I was there for about a month on a tour. I figured it was the best way to see as much as possible.

Toptattyhead said...

Sherry, I've emailed Bernadette on your behalf and asked her to contact you. Thank you and everyone else, for the lovely comments on my work. I will always treasure the lovely words. Something to lift the spirits on the dark days!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Linda, you're welcome Sherry.
Sherry I've sent you an email.
NATA 214

Tattycat said...

Linda, the cards are beyond beautiful. I can't imagine receiving such a lovely gift. Your friends are very lucky!

Tattycat said...

Linda, the cards are beyond beautiful. I can't imagine receiving such a lovely gift. Your friends are very lucky!

Sewicked said...

Linda, never doubt that you do gorgeous work. And it's fellow tatters who say so, so you know it's people who know what they're looking at.

Toptattyhead said...

Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments - I'm overwhelmed!
Love to you all,
Linda S